Family Engagement Policy
The parent involvement policy describes how the school will carry out the parental involvement requirement in section 1118 (c) - (f), including the development of a compact. Schools must update these policies periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.
McGavock will develop a strong home-school-community partnership that ensures a safe, diverse, student-oriented learning environment that improves student achievement, transition, and school climate. To achieve these goals, McGavock High School will do the following:
- Provide copies of the policy, compact, and modified school improvement plan to parents at the annual fall PTSO/Open House to improve student achievement and transition in and out of McGavock. Stakeholders will be informed of requirements and rights of parents under the Title I program.
- Have parent representation on the Leadership Team for the School Improvement Plan to improve student achievement and transition in and out of McGavock.
- Hold flexible meetings with parents in the McGavock community to improve student achievement and transition in and out of McGavock.
- Inform parents of the school policy, curriculum, procedures, handbook, website, etc. at Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings, and other school functions.
- Highlight Title I updates, the school’s activities and performance, school volunteers, and a calendar of coordinated school-wide events on the school website, callouts, newsletters, and other school communication.
- Involve parents and the community in quarterly Advisory Board meetings.
- Increase parent, teacher, student, and community involvement in leadership decisions through Advisory Board participation.
- Help parents become active partners with shared responsibility for improved student achievement by jointly developing a written parent engagement policy and compact and encouraging participation in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I program.
- Provide relevant training opportunities and/or resources throughout the school year on topics such as parenting, homework, behavior management, testing, state performance standards, family literacy, conflict management, alternative learning platforms, technology, and discipline.
- Provide reasonable and necessary Title I funds to pay expenses associated with parent involvement.
Keep This Policy For Your Records
Title I & McGavock do not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, sex, disability, or age.
7/30/2024 Revision